Sunday, December 2, 2007

Freeing Gibbons Would Wound Muslim "Sensibilities"


Tomorrow morning, to MP’s from Great Britain will meet with the President of Sudan to discuss a pardon for Gillian Gibbons (the "Teddy Bear Teacher"), This meeting is scheduled for 10:30 AM in Sudan (07:30 GMT). However, the Council of Islamic Scholars warned the Sudanese government that freeing Gibbons would "wound the sensibilities of Muslims in Sudan."

Freeing Gibbons would wound sensibilities. This type of statement is outrageous. Not that I am saying that the Sudanese would not riot over her release. What I am is disgusted and OUTRAGED with is that we are to be concerned with the Sensibilities of Islamic Extremists.

We are to be worried about the Sensibilities of those who have killed 453 people and injured 529 in 57 Jihad attacks during the week of November 17-23.

We are to be worried about the Sensibilities of those who would prosecute at 16 year old boy, because HE was the VICTIM of Gang Rape.

We are to be worried about the Sensibilities of those who beat and imprison a Female Rape Victim, because she got into the wrong car.

We are to be worried about the Sensibilities of those who call for the Death of Gillian Gibbons because her students wanted to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

To those on the LEFT who keep saying that if WE had been concerned about their Sensibilities they would not hate us or that they would not be attacking us, may I remind you of a report to Congress by two US Ambassadors in response to inquiries on why we were being attacked:

That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every [Muslim] who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise

Of course that quote is from then Ambassador John Adams and then Ambassador Thomas Jefferson in 1786.

This has been happening for HUNDREDS of years. US Troops in Saudi Arabia is NOT the cause of Islamic Extremism. Establishment of Israel is NOT the cause of Islamic Extremism. US Culture is NOT the cause of Islamic Extremism. If none of these things had occurred, there would still be Islamic Extremism. Just like there was 200 years ago.

Perhaps it is time for a new strategy to Stop Islamic Extremism. Maybe it is time to realize that Islamic Extremist will never change. Perhaps it is time to realize that Islamic Extremism poses a Clear and Present Danger to the peoples of the free world, and it is time to unleash the FULL might and FURY of the Greatest Military Power on earth. Perhaps it is time for the American People to wake up, and realize that this War MUST be won.

Perhaps it is Time for Great Britain and the United States to tell Sudan, "Free Gillian Gibbons NOW, or we shall respond militarily with the fury of God’s own Thunder."

Free Gillian Gibbons and to Hell with the Sensibilities of these Islamic Extremists.



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